Monday, August 28, 2017


Whirlwind pretty accurately describes my life this summer. I've been so busy, and I am constantly thinking, oh I should blog about that,  but never seem to find the time to do it.
What has kept me busy this summer? Well, running, fishing, travelling, working, and just life in general. I think I worked almost every Saturday this summer, unless I was out of town for a race or something.
My oldest son, Ryan, spent the summer with us. It was amazing to have him home, but honestly having one extra person in my house didn't make things any more crazy, except for the extra sibling bickering that drove me crazy.
I have tons to blog about though. I just need to set side time to do it.
I ran the Resurrection Pass 50 miler 2 and a half weeks ago. This coming Saturday I am running the 6 hour version of A Day at the Beach. I did this one last year too, but did the 12 hour. With just 3 weeks between Res Pass 50 and this, though, my coach and I decided I should do the 6 hour this year, since 3 weeks is not a lot of time between races.
The first week after Res Pass 50 was just recovery. For 4 days, I just ran very slow 1 mile streak savers. The first one took something like 16:50 and was very painful. Then there were a few days of run/walk intervals, gradually increasing both overall time and the ratio of running:walking. This is the first time I've had such a structured recovery, and it really worked.
This week's training:

Sunday: the last of the run/walk intervals for recovery.
Monday: I was supposed to run 5 easy miles, but I wound up working more than 12 hours straight, and I wound up only getting about 3 miles in before it got too dark. I didn't have my headlamp with me.
Tuesday:  a 1 mile day.
Wednesday: I was supposed to get 8 miles in, but Ryan was leaving for the airport in the morning and I decided I needed to spend some time with him. We had dinner and played a game of Monopoly, and at 11:50 I realized I hadn't run that day yet, so out for a speedy 1 mile last minute.
Thursday:  6 miles on the coastal trail. The target was 2 miles warm up, 4 miles at a half marathon pace, and 2 miles cool down. I did it, but it felt really tough.
Friday: hill repeats. Those were FUN
Saturday: 5 easy miles. This was the only time all week besides the 1 milers that I was able to take Daisy with me. I think she had fun:

Total mileage for the week: 23.45