Thursday, February 18, 2016

Valentine's Day Chocolate Run recap

This is the second year I have run Skinny Raven's Chocolate Run on Valentine's Day. It's only a 5k, so in the summer there's no way I would sign up, but in the winter, its a good excuse to get a run in no matter the weather. I'm much more likely to go out and run in the cold if I've paid to do it, LOL.

Last year, 4 of us went, but this year, only Brooke went with me. And Daisy, of course. Our group last year were the poster children for this year's run:

So of course, Brooke and I had to go, and we had to dress up again. I had to borrow Dawn's tutu though, because Daisy ate mine, probably because of the candy hearts that were glued to it, We wore the same thing as last year, because neither of us were feeling very creative, or wanted to spend any money on it.

At the start line

The weather was pretty good, in the low 30's, but there was still ice on the streets and path the race route used, so it's a good thing I brought my icebugs. The race is in the Ship Creek area, and starts under the C street bridge. Brooke is feeling a little sensitive to smells right now, so she had a hard time with the first leg of the race, which went right past several seafood shops. The race route essentially made a big rectangle:

On the return side, we left the street, and ran on a path along Ship Creek. The creek had open water, even though the path next to it was icy and snow covered. I wish I had taken the time to stop for pictures, but I didn't. The path went over a road, under a road, and across a couple bridges, making it interesting and fun to run. Where the path went under a road, they had decorated the tunnel, transforming it into the Tunnel of Love:

(pic is Skinny Raven's)

We finished in about 35 minutes, and there was chocolate waiting for us at the finish line. Each finisher got a little box with two pieces of fancy chocolate in it, and there was really delicious hot cocoa. Plus, they did some giveaways, throwing swag into the crowd. I got a workout towel with the Alaska Club logo on it.

All in all, it was a fun run. Neither Brooke or I were trying to run fast, although Daisy pulled me along pretty good whenever she saw another dog on the course. She likes to be in front. It didn't seem like there were as many people there this year as last year.

finish line

The only complaint I have with this run was about the shirts. They gave out scarves instead of shirts for this run, but for $20 you could purchase a shirt. I usually like to have the shirt, even if I have to pay extra, but I'm glad I decided not to shell out the extra this time. They were plain red T-shirts with lettering with the name of the race in beige on the front. Very plain. Seems like for Valentine's Day, they could have made really cute shirts, but they didn't.

And yes, we will probably do it again next year :)


  1. Cute outfits! I love the tunnel of love idea. Also, hate when race shirts aren't exciting! Put a little oomph into it, people!

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl
