Sunday, March 8, 2020

I love a challenge!!!

So... a few weeks ago, I did a live video on Facebook, about how I was not happy with my current weight and fitness level, and I was going to go back to the weight loss phase of my nutrition plan. I was open and transparent, and stayed on plan for all of.... 2 days.

That is the cycle I find myself on ALL THE TIME. I know myself, and I find that once I am on plan for a good couple of weeks, it becomes almost a habit, and easy to maintain. But getting that first couple of weeks under my belt is SO HARD. I find myself on plan for a day or two, then fall off. Then on plan for 2 or 3 days, then off plan. I never get myself back to the point where I am stable and consistent enough to see any results.

HOWEVER. A fellow coach that also happens to be a personal trainer, gym owner, and fitness know it all (in the best way) is starting a challenge tomorrow, with the goal being a reduction in body fat percentage.  I love it that the goal isn't just pounds lost, and that gaining muscle does NOT hurt progress in this challenge.

There are several things that the challenge asks people to track daily or weekly, and it is very precise. The goal is that if you are precise in your tracking, you will know exactly what you need to do to be successful, or if you are struggling, you will have the data to examine to know why.

There is also the competition aspect of it. You accumulate points throughout the challenge, and you are ranked not only for your change in body fat percentage, but also in the number of points you earn though consistency.  So if you are consistently focused, you get double the benefit. This is something I really need, since consistency is one area I really struggle with.

So the challenge goes from tomorrow, 03/08/20, and goes through 04/17/20. I'll keep this blog updated with my progress! Wish me luck. IF I CAN STAY CONSISTENT, DAMMIT, I'll be back close to my ideal weight before summer. 

I am SO EXCITED about this challenge, and the fun starts tomorrow!!!

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