Monday, January 1, 2018


In 2017, I:

  • Ran every day, an average of 3.3 miles per day
  • Ran 1212.8 miles
  • Completed my first 50 mile race
  • Had to stop running my first 24 hour race after 18 hours, due to dehydration
  • Ran my fastest 5k ever 
  • Gained 5 pounds (whoops)
  • Worked way too much
  • Got a promotion (I start my new job January 15)
  • Got a new Jeep
  • Celebrated my 25th anniversary
  • booked tickets to Hawaii (we leave January 6)
  • Started working with a running coach (she's awesome)
  • Went to Dillingham AK for work (I had never been there before)
  • Child #1 almost got married (it got postponed, not cancelled)
  • Child #2 came home for the summer to work with his dad
  • Child #3 turned 18
  • Child #3 also got to participate in a national cooking competition
  • Child #4 started high school

And I don't even know what else. It was a great year, overall. I hope 2018 will rock just as much!! I've got big plans! 

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