Monday, January 15, 2018

Summer 18 racing plans

My last long race of each summer seems to be in mid October, the Zombie half marathon. After that race is over, winter is definitely on its way and the running season is winding down for me. There are some long winter races in Alaska, but I don't feel confident enough with my winter survival skills to be out in the wilderness for several hours, potentially alone for most of it. Alaska kills people that aren't prepared, and I'm not prepared for that.

But it seems like as soon as I am done racing, I start wishing they would hurry up and come out with the next year's running calendar. Mostly, I have to wait until around New Year's to get firm dates on the next season's races, and I am really not good at waiting. I'm really bad at it actually. Luckily, the new year is finally here and I have gotten my 2018 racing schedule nailed down through Labor Day. 

Without further ado, here's my plan, although there aren't specific dates available for a couple of them yet:

February 10: Love Run 5k with Brooker. We've done this one together the last few years.

May ? : Turnagain Arm Trail Run - 8 miles
I really wanted to do this one the last couple of years, but in 2016 I didn't sign up fast enough and it sold out in a couple hours. I learned my lesson, and in 2017, I was signed up within 5 minutes of registration opening. Then I had to do some emergency travel for work, and didn't land back in Anchorage until about 2 hours after the start time. The scenery on this run is amazing and I was so disappointed. So I'm trying again this year.

June 2-3: Alaska Endurance Trail Run, Fairbanks 
You can sign up for 6, 12, or 24 hours, on a roughly 6 mile loop. I did the 24 hour race last year, but had to stop after about 18 hours due to dehydration []  I am going to do better this year.

June 23 : Kesugi Ridge full traverse (30 miles), Denali State Park
Last year, I struggled with my running, which is a major part of why I got a running coach. I missed the cutoff at the halfway point last year, and didn't get to finish. [] Again, doing better this year. Making the cutoff, finishing the race.

July 14: Angel Creek 50, Fairbanks
I did this race in 2016, hoping to make it my first 50 miler, but did not finish after getting lost in the fog. []. This is becoming repetitive. Gotta start making my racing goals the first time.

August ??: Resurrection Pass 50
This was a great race, and I can't wait to do it again. 

September 1: A Day at the Beach. I've done the 12 hour in 2016 and the 6 hour in 2017. I will probably do the 12 or 24 hour this year. 

There might be a couple more, like the Girdwood trail marathon or the Equinox, in late September/ early October, plus there's the Zombie half in mid October.

I think it's going to be a pretty fun summer.

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